The Readymade Thief Brief Synopsis Seventeen-year-old Lee Cuddy, after evading police officers, juvenile prison, and the psych ward, finds herself homeless and out of options. She stumbles across a group of lost teens who reside in the hidden Crystal Castle, an abandoned building held under the control of the Station Master. Lee’s problems arise after she accidentally takes the 20th century Marcel Duchamp’s figure With Hidden Noise from a group of men called the Bachelors , named after Duchamp’s The Bride Stripped Bare By Her Bachelors, Even. The Bachelors, headed by the Priest and the Stationmaster aim to extract details about immortality, and they believe Lee, a doppelganger for an earlier work by Duchamp, holds the secret to it all. Review This book, while fun and enjoyable to read, especially at the beginning, transcends into another realm of reading comprehension. The book employs tons of information not only on Marcel Duchamp’s life but also on how his paintings represent stri...